In the world of artificial intelligence and technological innovation, progress moves at incredible speeds. This swift development is comparable to a wheel spinning at high velocities, crucial for startups and tech-focused entities. On the other hand, larger companies often function like a much larger wheel, slowered with established processes and stricter security requirements that decelerate change.
Given these differing velocities, how can large established companies benefit from the innovation from startups?
There arises a need for a mechanism to bridge this disparity—deploy the gearbox! The gearbox serves as an intermediary to harmonize the fast-moving technology with the slower adoption pace of large corporations. Without it, achieving a connection and effective integration between these two worlds is significantly hindered.
The Critical Role of the “Gearbox”
The gearbox isn’t merely a metaphorical connector—it is a framework and an environment, such as edisconet, equipped with tools and methodologies to help organizations smoothly adopt new technologies, training employees in tool usage and transforming organizational attitudes towards technology.
Promoting a mindset of openness, awareness and acceptance toward AI and other innovations is vital. Employees should feel comfortable and confident engaging with new technologies rather than fearing change. This includes actively encouraging constructive feedback, and fostering an environment where personnel can contribute to the development process rather than just responding to ready-made solutions.
“The only sustainable competitive advantage is your innovation culture.” Soren Kaplan
Overcoming Barriers with Effective Solutions
Research illustrates evident barriers to the adoption of new technologies in larger businesses where 50% are non-technical, comprising cultural and organizational factors. Other barriers include technical infrastructure (25%) and skills gaps (20%). This is where a comprehensive gearbox approach is crucial, as it tackles more than mere technical challenges.
The implementation of platforms for testing, alongside inclusive feedback mechanisms, enables organizations to address these barriers effectively. By involving employees in the development and refinement of, for instance, AI chatbots, companies can ensure staff feel invested in the technology, which in turn mitigates the typical fears associated with disruptive innovations.
Successfully Adopting Latest Innovations
The integration of advanced and new technology in large organizations demands more than just new tools; it requires a thoughtfully designed intermediary, such as edisconet. By addressing both technical and non-technical challenges, businesses can enable the successful adoption of technology. This not only enhances innovation cycles but also ensures that employees are key contributors to the development process, ultimately leading to a smarter, more cohesive operational structure.
Curious to know more?
If you are curious how a “gearbox” solution like edisconet would support your organization in adopting new innovations, don’t hesitate to drop us a message:
About edisconet:
edisconet is one ecosystem to preserve tacit knowledge and capturing the benefits of collaborative transformation within organizations through AI and learning tools. The platform integrates existing learning management systems and solutions from strategic partners and utilises advanced AI features to support the collection and dissemination of knowledge – a feature that makes it a unique solution in the whole e-learning market.
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