Silent Knowledge workshop in Switzerland with edisconet, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Corporate Condition, Databooster

We had a fantastic workshop on Silent Knowledge – Discovery and Intelligent Use of Inherent Knowledge on last Thursday in Rotkreuz. It was organized together with our partners from Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and ArtsUniversità degli Studi di Firenze, and Corporate Condition, supported by Innovation Booster – Databooster at Switzerland Innovation Park Central.

We enjoyed vivid discussions on practical use of AI on catching silent knowledge and identifying use cases together with the participants from renown international OEMs and service companies.

“It was a pleasure to see “science meeting practice” and work on the areas of implementation and use of silent knowledge with the industrial partners. My personal thank you goes to Petra Dr. Müller-Csernetzky, Mario Rapaccini and Timo Muhonen for organizing this event,” says Dirk Zimanky, CEO of edisconet & co-host of the workshop.

We will now look into the findings of the workshop and will make them available to all participants in the near future!

Timo Muhonen from Corporate Condition and Dirk Zimanky from edisconet